Region of Origin

Description & Origin
Muskmelons are a fleshy fruit that are closely related to cucumbers. There are a wide variety of muskmelons, which are segmented into several botanical groups. The two primary groups of commercial importance are the netted cantaloupe-types with orange flesh most often found in the US and the “winter melon” group that includes honeydew, canary, and other primarily white-flesh melons. Melons share t...
Health Benefits & Nutrition
Muskmelons are a good source of vitamins A and C. Orange flesh melons have higher quantities of vitamin A than white flesh varieties. All melons are approximately 90% water, making them an excellent source of hydration.
Our Varieties

Melon Arara
AKA: Ivory Gaya, Snowball
This variegated variety of honeydew was originally developed in Japan and Korea. It is now grown across the world, although it remains a specialty variety with limited production. The ivory gaya is a small to medium-sized round melon with cream-colored skin featuring irregular green stripes. The flesh is creamy white and very tender when fully ripe. They are exceptionally sweet with faint floral notes and a hint of honey.
Variety Tips & Tricks
The succulent and exceptionally sweet flesh of an ivory gaya melon brings traditional fruit salads to another level. Use immediately for the crispest possible flesh, or leave at room temperature to soften, if desired. They are an excellent eating melon. Their unique striped appearance gives them special appeal with young children.
Commercial Availability (Grown for the US Market)

Melon Canary
AKA: San Juan Canary, Juan Canary, Yellow
Canary melons are named for their bright yellow rind. The thick skin is often covered in low ridges or wrinkles. The melon has an oblong shape with slightly pointed ends. Inside, the flesh is bright white or pale green in color. Canary is one of the sweetest varieties, but it has a mild flavor without any perceptible muskiness. While they are thought to be European in origin, the canary melon is common in Asia, particularly Japan and Korea. They are also the most known melon variety in Brazil.
Variety Tips & Tricks
Canary melons have excellent keeping ability. Their firm flesh is ideal for any application required balls or cubes that will hold their shape. Canary melons are not particularly aromatic, and as such smell should not be used as the primary indicator of peak eating quality.
Commercial Availability (Grown for the US Market)

Melon Piel De Sapo
AKA: Santa Claus
Piel de sapo (meaning “toad skin” in Spanish) is a winter melon that originated in Spain and is common throughout Europe. They are named for their thick, bumpy, deep green, mottled rind, which is reminiscent of toad skin. Their other name, Santa Claus melon, is likely related to their excellent keeping ability, as they were often stored after their late summer harvest until Christmas. This is a large melon with an oblong shape and slightly pointed ends. The flesh is creamy white, succulent, and juicy. They are very sweet with a light tang and a strong melon aroma.
Variety Tips & Tricks
Piel de sapo is the best melon variety for storage. Their thick skin makes it difficult to assess their ripeness via smell, so it is recommended to look for softening at the blossom end to indicate ideal texture. The tender, succulent flesh of a piel de sapo is absolutely decadent on its own, but is also ideal when pureed or juiced.
Commercial Availability (Grown for the US Market)
Foodservice Tips
Traditional Culinary Uses
Muskmelons are an extremely versatile fruit. They are ubiquitous served in thick slices on-the-rind at barbecues and summer get togethers. They are a staple part of fruit salads everywhere. They can be paired with prosciutto and skewered for a classic summer appetizer. No gelato or sorbet program is complete without a melon-flavored offering. Muskmelons of all kinds can also be used in creative applications such as cold summer gazpachos, fruity salsas, cocktails or mocktails like agua fresca, and custard-based desserts. Firm melon varieties can even be grilled.
Flavor Pairings
Basil, Mint, Lime, Peach, Cucumber, Ginger, Coconut, Dragon Fruit, Chile Pepper, Almond, Honey, Port, Balsamic Vinegar, Proscuitto, Ham
How to Prepare
When fully ripe and at the best texture, melons will start to have a slight give at the blossom end. Some varieties may begin to smell very aromatic. When ready, melons should be thoroughly rinsed before cutting. Once washed, use a large chef’s knife to cut through the center of the melon either top to bottom or through the mid-section. Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds in the center. The melon flesh can then be sliced and diced (or melon balled) as desired. Melon rind is typically not consumed.
How to Store in the Kitchen
Melons will continue to ripen post-harvest, becoming softer and more aromatic, but their sugar content will not increase. If softer flesh or deeper aroma is desired, melons can be left at room temperature until they reach the desired tenderness. Once fully ripe, the melons can be stored in the warmest area of the refrigerator to slow ripening. Cut melon must be stored refrigerated in a covered container.

Fight Food Waste Tips for root to stem cooking
While melon rind is most commonly discarded, it can be used to make a pickle, just like watermelon rind.
Warehouse Storage & Handling
Maintain these conditions for optimal short-term storage shelf life.*
DINO - 53°F
40-54°F (Cool Storage)
Yes – Muskmelons are subject to chilling injury, particularly early in their ripening process. Symptoms can include pitting, discoloration, off-flavors, and decay.
Yes - Low to Medium
Yes- Medium
All muskmelons are moderately sensitive to ethylene. Exposure can cause over-ripening.
Yes – Muskmelons that are picked at their fully mature stage will continue to ripen post-harvest. They will NOT increase in sweetness, but their flesh will soften and aroma intensify.
No – Ripening is not recommended for muskmelons.
Quality Assessment
Melons should be well shaped and spherical or oblong, as is appropriate based on variety. There should be minimal scarring or surface damage, although certain varieties like piel de sapo display naturally occurring corking which should not be considered a defect. Melons should be heavy for their size with thick waxy skin.
Important Handling
Note that each variety of muskmelon requires slightly different handling conditions. Cantaloupe in particular has storage needs that differ from honeydew types.
Optimum Shelf Life
Depending on variety, conditions at harvest, and handling, muskmelons may last up to 3-4 weeks.